[Webinar] How to Engage my ESL Students with Digital Tools while Teaching Remotely

December 2, 2021
 Min Read

highlights on How to Engage my ESL Students with Digital Tools while Teaching Remotely – a webinar hosted by Flowchase CEO and Linguist Zoé Broisson, joined by UNamur EFL Lecturer François-Xavier Fievez (May 4th, 2021)

Let’s face it, online teaching took its toll on a lot of us – be it for the lack of social interactions, the isolation, potential technical issues, the demanding efforts… or for a whole bunch of other reasons that eventually led to students giving up. 

In the eyes of many, computers were the ones to blame… maybe deservedly. Yet, when almost everyone else had started rejecting devices once back to in-person classes, we hadn’t. “I – for one – believe that digital tools can really be of help with [students dropping out],” confessed Zoé in the introduction to her webinar. 

Our favorite ESL tools for English teachers

Yep, you heard it right! At Flowchase, we still wanted to place our bets on technologies, putting up together an ever-growing database of resources suggested by English teachers, for English teachers. To our educational team, digital tools can be more than just a fashion trend!

“As a language enthusiast with no teaching duties, I still wanted to do my part and ensure all this knowledge [teachers] are building as language educators isn’t lost, but rather is shared around the world in an effort to advance our field and the learning experience of many students.” — Zoé Broisson, in her Preface for Flowchase’s eBook

Keep reading and get to freely download our eBook, containing an exclusive access to our online toolbox, as well as no less than 4 ready-to-use activities based on digital tools – as introduced below – to help you keep your students engaged while teaching remotely AND in class!

Our free e-Book for English teachers

But first, let’s go around the table!

No. 01 - Padlet: the interactive wall

Create your own interactive wall on Padlet to organize classes, curate information, generate debates or brainstorming sessions, play games, display media on any topic and interact with your students in real-time through comments.

  • ⭐️ super intuitive – ⭐️ customizable interface – ⭐️ endless possibilities
  • 🛠 empty shell – 👩🏼🏫 classroom interaction

🖥 Our activity, inspired by Jean-Luc Delghust from UCLouvain, will keep your group involved during their peers’ presentations! Use Padlet to make everyone participate, by asking for thoughts, comments, and advice.

First class activity: Engage students during a class presentation
Our Padlet template for this activity

No. 02 - Flowchase: the pronunciation companion x Kahoot!: the learning game platform

Now, let’s spice things up a bit by playing with two digital tools at once!

Meet Flowchase, our language learning mobile app relying on voice recognition technology to boost your students’ English pronunciation.

  • ⭐️ ready-to-use content – ⭐️ personalized feedback – ⭐️ various games
  • 📚 content-based

And Kahoot!, a game-based platform to create, play and share awesome learning exercises.

  • ⭐️ super gamified – ⭐️ easy to use – ⭐️ access other educators’ templates
  • 🛠 empty shell – 👩🏼🏫 classroom interaction

🖥 Mix these both together and obtain an interactive activity focusing on word stress.

Second activity: Teach word stress with Flowchase and Kahoot!
Our Kahoot! template to quickly check their knowledge

Find the material and more tips in our smart eBook

No. 03 - Wooclap: the fun live quiz platform

Ever heard of Wooclap, the intuitive and fun collaborative quiz platform? If not, now is maybe the time to try out.

  • ⭐️ variety of question formats – ⭐️ easy marking export – ⭐️ many software and LMS integrations
  • 🛠 empty shell – 👩🏼🏫 classroom interactions

🖥 Created by co-host François-Xavier Fiévez from UNamur, our following activity uses Wooclap to support transition to learners’ autonomy – as students will work on their own in order to answer your questions.

Third activity: Support transition to learners' autonomy

No. 04 - Flipgrip: the interactive video forum

Use Flipgrid, a fun and collaborative platform where you and your students can interact orally or through written comments, as well as record videos and presentations with visual aids.

  • ⭐️ easy marking – ⭐️ access other educators’ templates – ⭐️ secure access for students
  • 🛠 empty shell

🖥 Our activity, partly inspired by Jean-Luc Delghust from UCLouvain, will promote discussion and get your students to practice their English pronunciation.

Final class activity: promote discussion and practice English pronunciation
Our Flipgrid template for this activity

Interested in our ideas? Find the presented material and more tips in our smart eBook, here.

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