Frequently asked questions

How do I get a license key?

All you need is to be registered in an educational institution that uses Flowchase. We work with English teachers from institutions such as private language schools, universities, colleges and company training courses all over Europe and the world.

Do you want to introduce Flowchase at your school? Contact us at and we will get in touch with the people in charge.

What kind of English does Flowchase teach ?

Flowchase uses recordings of native speakers from Great Britain and North America as models, as well as non-native speakers who have sky-high levels of proficiency. This is in line with our vision that English is an international language.

How does the voice technology work ?

First, you listen to a recording. Then, it’s your turn to speak. Flowchase analyses your voice and compares it to a model. If we detect mistakes that could prevent you from being understood, we let you know instantly and show you how to improve.

Which languages does Flowchase work on?

At the moment, Flowchase is available to learn English. If you think Flowchase should exist for other languages, let us know! Get in touch with our team at

How can we help you?